Food Safety

Some tahini halvah is harder, why?

During the production of tahini halva, if the sesame oil added is reduced, the halva becomes hard.

How should halva be stored at home?

Branded and packaged halva manufacturers do not recommend keeping the halva in the refrigerator. Halva should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It should be consumed within a week of opening the package or box of halva. It can stay intact for months if it is stored unopened in the refrigerator. Halva is not an easily perishable food item.

Is the softening of the upper layer of the halva harmful?

The softening of the top layer of halva may occur as a result of the formation of steam or the waxing of the sugar due to temperature changes. If exposed to high heat during storage it may be chewy. There is no harm in terms of health, it only leads to flavour and taste differentiation. It affects the flavour of the quality.

Does sedimentation in molasses mean spoilage?

Molasses contains tartaric acid. These acids precipitate over time. People think that these sedimentations are spoilage. Tartaric acid is a natural substance beneficial to human health. When all the acid is removed, the property of molasses disappears. During the process, some tartarine is precipitated and separated.

Does it mean it is spoiled if the molasses is crystallised?

No, molasses is a natural food ingredient, it can be sugared. It has no harmful effects, it can be consumed as it is.

Is tahini halva prepared by untouched human hands?

No, tahini halva is a traditional food item and it is prepared by kneading using hands by masters who have been doing this job for years. The legislator passed a lawfor the production of halva, the traditional product, of kneading by hand. It is a job that requires skill.

After passing through the stages of apprenticeship and journeyman, the personnel become a master and then a foreman.

Product quality standards are ensured by using the same quality raw materials in accordance with standard recipes. A machine is not used during kneading.

What is Tahini Halva and how is it made?

According to the Turkish Food Codex (Notification No: 2008/6), sugar, drinking water, citric acid or tartaric acid and when necessaryedible glucose syrup is added and cooked and from what is obtained, turns into waxed soapwort extract (Radix saponariae Albae sive L.) and/or modified by proteins in accordancewith its technique, by mixing and kneading after being whitened with proteins and adding seasonings when necessary is named Halva, a homogeneous, thin-fibre product.

How is the hygiene of the places tahini halva regulated?

First of all, the air in the production area is regularly filtered. It is compulsoryto have the production area and humidity rates at a certain temperature. The place is checked by taking microbiology samples once a week. The general hygiene rules of the workers are followed at the highest level. All employees undergo regular health check-ups. Production facilities are completely covered with antibacterial floor material. Branded and packaged halva manufacturers produce their products under the control of food engineers and microbiology experts, under the control of a full-fledged laboratory. Each raw material is used after the approval of the laboratory and the products are regularly sampled and analyzed every day.

Is a lard-added emulsifier used in the production of tahini halva?

Only vegetable oil-based emulsifiers are used in all of the tahini halva products. Manufacturers of branded packaged tahini halvah are only produced within the framework of the Turkish Food Codex's Halva Communiqué, Tahini, Molasses Communique and Turkish Delight Communique. All products comply with these communiqués. Absolutely no lard is used in the products.